A group of protesters hold a demonstration in front of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's home in Greensboro, North Carolina on August 16, 2020. LOGAN CYRUS/Getty
Demonstrators delivered their displeasure over changes at the Postal Service directly to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy on Sunday—in the form of a protest outside his mansion in Greensboro, North Carolina.
More than 100 protesters are gathering so far outside the home of U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy in Greensboro as part of #USPSProtests #Greensboro @WFMY pic.twitter.com/Kpz7RuVSm9
— Ben Smart (@BenSmartWFMY) August 16, 2020
The gathering, which reportedly included about 100 people, followed another demonstration calling for DeJoy’s resignation in front of his home in Washington, DC, on Saturday. Both followed reports this week that under DeJoy, a major Republican donor, the Postal Service is experiencing delays, has removed mail-sorting machines ahead of the November elections, and has warned states that it may not be able to meet deadlines for mailed-in ballots. In response to the reports, and President Trump’s admission Thursday that he is blocking funding for the Postal Service in a brazen attempt to disenfranchise voters, the House Oversight Committee on Sunday called for DeJoy to testify later this month at an “urgent hearing.”
Protesters in Greensboro carried signs that read things like, “Save our postal system,” “Dump DeJoy,” and “I’m tired”; they chanted the old standby, “Na Na Na Na Hey Hey-ey Goodbye“. One guy (who happens to be the founder of a Grammy-nominated string band) even brought a banjo and sang a postal-themed ditty:
It's not a protest in North Carolina until the banjo comes out.
This is a great moment in Greensboro, North Carolina as we protest outside Louis DeJoy's mansion.#USPSprotest #DemCastNC #SaveTheUSPS pic.twitter.com/Vp8Wof8wya
— Ted Corcoran (Red T Raccoon) (@RedTRaccoon) August 16, 2020
More from the rally to #SaveThePostOffice in Greensboro, NC outside Louis DeJoy’s house right now. If I had to guess, I’d say there’s around 200 people here. pic.twitter.com/0rWImfhJtY
— Eric Ginsburg (@Eric_Ginsburg) August 16, 2020
The crowd continues to grow in Greensboro, North Carolina as more protesters arrive at Louis DeJoy's mansion.#USPSprotest #DemCastNC #SaveTheUSPS pic.twitter.com/qpi3TS9wVI
— Ted Corcoran (Red T Raccoon) (@RedTRaccoon) August 16, 2020
Some signs from the protest in front of Louis DeJoy's mansion in Greensboro, North Carolina.#USPSprotest #DemCastNC #SaveTheUSPS pic.twitter.com/aSzsYfj65u
— Ted Corcoran (Red T Raccoon) (@RedTRaccoon) August 16, 2020
The road is closed down in front of Louis DeJoy's mansion in Greensboro, North Carolina.#USPSprotest #DemCastNC #SaveTheUSPS pic.twitter.com/TxDkP4Yvwg
— Ted Corcoran (Red T Raccoon) (@RedTRaccoon) August 16, 2020
A collection of signs from protesters currently adorn the fence of Postmaster General DeJoy’s Greensboro home after a nearly 2 hour protest in the area! @WFMY pic.twitter.com/ELtpzbKr0i
— Manning Franks (@ManningWFMY) August 16, 2020