Jerry Mennenga/Zuma wire
Today, Rick Santorum sent me an urgent email. He needed my advice! So of course, I had to open the email to see how I could help. It turns out that Santorum, one of the back-of-the-pack 2016 GOP contenders, was soliciting suggestions on what he should focus on during the GOP presidential debate on Wednesday. Oddly, this seemed to indicate he doesn’t have a strategy of his own.
He wrote:

I clicked on the links and found that Santorum was offering a poll giving his supporters a chance to tell him what he should concentrate on when it’s his time to speak during the debate. The list of possibilities included “fighting radical Islam,” dissing Common Core, and combatting “immoral government spending.” (The website incorrectly stated that the debate is Thursday.)
I picked stopping radical Islam, hoping that once I’d voted, I could see the results of the poll. Alas, I was immediately directed to a donation page. I’ll have to wait until Thursday—er, Wednesday—to see if Santorum takes my advice. But for now he deserves credit for a new campaign tactic: crowd-sourcing debate planning.