Or maybe it’s the other way around. National Public Radio has recently taken your tax dollars and contributions and thrown them at another kooky artist: Carrie Brownstein, guitarist and vocalist for the toweringly-awesome on-hiatus Portland trio Sleater-Kinney. The “Monitor Mix” is NPR’s second music blog after “All Songs Considered,” and Brownstein gets it all to herself, and even gets a picture of herself and her dog up at the top. Lucky! A first glance over there shows she’s into Curb Your Enthusiasm, the Ramones, and bands with “cat” in their name. Me too!
Hey wait a minute, why am I talking about competing liberal media blogs with superstar (ahem!!) guest writers? Don’t go over there, stay here on the Riff! Besides, Brownstein hasn’t figured out how to post pictures yet, and we have way more of those, and even videos. Speaking of, Sleater-Kinney, how awesome? For a few years right around 1996-99, they were absolutely the best band in America. Throwing a dart at the board of my 1000 favorite S-K songs (or, more accurately, doing a quick video search) brings us:
Sleater-Kinney – “Get Up” (from The Hot Rock, 1999)