From Ted Cruz, explaining his own personal religious test for political candidates:
Any president who doesn’t begin every day on his knees isn’t fit to be commander in chief of this nation.
Atheists are taking offense at this, but as I understand it, Jews don’t kneel when they pray. So….I guess Cruz doesn’t think Jews are fit to be president either.
That’s ridiculous, of course. Cruz was just using a metaphor for praying, so Jews are OK as long as they pray every day. It’s only nonbelievers who are unfit for public office.
And that’s no metaphor at all. So here’s my question: the press threw a fit when Ben Carson suggested that Muslims weren’t fit to be president. Will they throw a similar fit now that Cruz has suggested atheists are unfit to be president? This is, of course, a rhetorical question, so there’s no need to answer. I think we all know this will be treated as a meaningless pander because, you know, atheists. Who cares about them?