And Now the Rush to Say ‘Nothing to See Here’?
Will the FBI now adopt an obviously election-dictated schedule for reviewing the Abedin emails? From First Read:
NBC’s Pete Williams reports that it’s possible the FBI’s review of the emails could end quickly….“Officials say there’s no way to tell how long that will take. But they say if it goes quickly, and nothing classified is found, the FBI could say so within the next few days. It largely depends on how many of the e-mails are duplicates and how many are new to the investigators.”
ZOMG! Having released a letter casting suspicion on Hillary Clinton despite having literally no evidence of anything new, the FBI might—might!—publicly exonerate her before the election if they review the emails and find nothing. WHY ARE THEY IN SUCH A RUSH??? Wouldn’t justice be better served by simply letting the FBI’s unfounded suspicion hang over the rest of the campaign?
Never have I seen anyone so outraged at the prospect of quickly confirming that someone is innocent—something I’m sure Lowry expects since every email story of 2016 has eventually turned out to be hot air. But I think Lowry is being a little too obvious about it.