Saturday night I was honored to get to hang out with the National Cartoonists Society at their annual banquet. This was at the Hyatt in Jersey City (yes, Jersey City). It was a memorable evening. The hall was filled with wonderful artists and amazing legends: Bill Gallo, George Booth, Randall Enos (yes, THE Randall Enos), Mort Gerberg, Mell Lazarus, Mort Walker, Nick Meglin, and Sam Viviano were all there. The president is Jeff Keane. Yep, Jeffy. A very warm host and funny guy.
They gave the advertising award to an editorial illustrator who slipped on a banana peel and did an ad campaign. But hey, this is life, and sometimes it is absolutely sublime! I am extremely grateful to the NCS.
Here’s the campaign I’ve been having fun with this year:
It’s the Big ERP guys for PJA Advertising out of Cambridge. Amy Frith, Paul Yokoda, Chris Frame, and many other great people. The animations are done by my pals at Asterisk, Brian O’Connell and Richard O’Connor. Thanks also to Justin Rucker and Tammy Shannon of Shannon Associates, my reps.
Here’s the first one in the series. The big ugly guys trampling the customer, they represent Infor’s competitors, Oracle and Cisco. Sort of like, “We’re number three and we try harder.”
These run as huge airport posters as well online (animated by Asterisk). This one is on the back page of the current Forbes.
There’s this one: actually pasted on the luggage carousel at O’Hare. You can watch him eat your bags!
This thing knocks me out. A motion-sensing technology. Working with Monster Media, Asterisk took my two stages and made this move. But they only move when you walk past…and apparently have your money vacuumed up. Art that constantly sucks!
My deepest gratitude to the Society and all the great folks I met Saturday night.