A new article in AFRICANA.COM suggests that if we choose to ignore genetic differences between groups of people in the interest of political correctness, we’re deceiving ourselves and may be worsening the effects of some serious gene-related health problems around the globe.
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Many experts point out that there are undisputable genetic differences that are more than skin deep; some diseases, like heart disease, sickle cell anemia, and Tay-Sachs are much more prevalent in certain ethnic groups because of a genetic predisposition. The notions presented tend to point towards a new, open-minded consensus on genetic groups that moves beyond the problematic “PC” perspective that it’s racist and unacceptable to discuss these genetic differences.
The article also mentions studies showing genetic predispositions for attributes besides diseases, like capacities for athletic performance and visual memory. Still, scientists point out that environment plays a critical role in personal development, claiming that that debunks The Bell Curve’s controversial assertion that IQ varies between races.