Some big companies are boosting their share of campaign contributions to Democrats this year, a sign that executives may be starting to hedge their political bets after a decade of supporting congressional Republicans.
The Wall Street Journal ran that little item a few days ago. Corporations are filling up the donkey coffers. That’s good for the Democrats, who get more money to run their little campaigns, which probably makes a difference at the margins.
But it’s not nearly as sweet for everyone else, seeing as how corporate-owned Democrats tend to be the worst sort of Democrats. Exhibit A is this New York Times story today about how a few Democrats might give up their opposition to estate tax repeal—which is currently stalled in the Senate—in exchange for tax breaks for the timber industry. None of the Senators have wavered yet, but Dems on the payroll of Big Timber at risk of reversing their stances include Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell of Washington, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana.