Every once in a while, I find Maureen Dowd funny, but ever since her Britney Spears train wreck in slow motion of a book, I’ve been seriously turned off.
Now this. Today’s Daily Howler compares the Don’t-Call-Me-Dowdy one to Ann Coulter. That’s right. Coulter outright calls Dems “faggots,” but Maureen Dowd almost compulsively describes them with belittling feminizing images. (It should be said that she adds -ie to the names of most Republicans.) Her last column about Gore before the 2000 election was a conversation between him and his bald spot called “I feel pretty….” Dowd’s insults are every bit as pointed, but come in “simpering” sheep’s clothing. And so, the Daily Howler concludes, Dowd does Dems more damage than the despicable Coulter.