According to TV Guide, which did a survey of the presidential candidates to identify their favorite TV shows, Barack Obama prefers M*A*S*H* and The Wire.
Except on Facebook (login required), Obama lists his favorite show as Sportscenter.
This is a HUGE issue. Stop the presses.
Actually, don’t. Some junior staffers screwed up, no biggie. But let’s try to get it straight, guys.
More seriously, though, Obama messed up in a recent speech when he claimed (1) Bush never traveled abroad prior to being elected, and (2) the deficit will be twice as high upon Bush’s exit as it was upon his entrance. Both are false, according to the WaPo‘s very good FactChecker feature.
This post was basically an excuse to use this sentence from TV Guide, which obviously doesn’t try to hide its priorities: “The complete “Presidential Candidate Edition” column is in the Dec. 3 issue of TV Guide (Desperate Housewives’ Dana Delany is on the cover).”