There have been subtle and not so subtle messages to voters throughout this election painting Barack Obama as radical and un-American. Most recently, over the weekend, there was wide-spread media coverage of Obama’s “anti-American” and “racial” reverend in Chicago.
But none of these are quite as dramatic as Fox’s new “Obama Watch.” If you aren’t already convinced that Barack Obama is an extremist, you might want to tune in to Fox News Sunday. The new feature, announced by Chris Wallace, will give its viewers “a weekly update on Barack Obama.” Under the auspices of the network’s ongoing hopes to urge the Dems to debate on Fox, “Obama Watch” will be set to a ticking time clock a la 24. I’ll give Fox News credit for one thing, they left no subliminal message unturned. If the beep beep, beep beep of Jack Bauer’s hit show doesn’t say “Obama is a terrorist” I don’t know what does.