If their “Mother’s Day Shopping Guide” is any indication, Barnes and Noble takes a rather dim view of maternal reading habits.
Categories that warrant 40 percent off before Sunday include: “Biographies and Memoirs,” “Food and Wine,” “Homes and Hobbies,” “New Fiction,” and “Self-Improvement, Inspiration, and Humor.’
But the pink ghetto in Borders may win this week’s catfight. A quick stroll past the Mom-bait table in a Washington, D.C. store today revealed not just a cornucopia of hot pink, cherub-encrusted photo frames and a healthy portion of the “Chicken Soup for the __ Soul” (Grandma, Chocolate Lovers, etc.) empire, but such titles as:
“Don’t Go To the Cosmetics Counter Without Me,” (7th Edition),
“Busy Woman’s Slow Cooker Recipes,” (Tagline: “Make ’em happy. Come home to dinner.”),
“You, Staying Young,”
“God Thinks You’re Wonderful, Mom!”
You know what I want for Mother’s Day this year? A wireless mouse. Let me know when you catch up, big B bookstores.