This is awesome or awful PR work. I’m not sure which. A collection of things McCain spokesman Brian Rogers told the Washington Post about the “How Many Houses?” scandal that is brewing:
On Obama’s house:
“It’s a frickin’ mansion.”
On the McCains’ definitely-not-elitist housing habits:
“The reality is they have some investment properties and stuff. It’s not as if he lives in ten houses. That’s just not the case. The reality is they have four that actually could be considered houses they could use.”
On how the McCain campaign apparently sees Obama:
“In terms of who’s an elitist, I think people have made a judgment that John McCain is not an arugula-eating, pointy headed professor-type.”
On something completely irrelevant:
“This is a guy who lived in one house for five and a half years — in prison.”
A couple observations: (1) Isn’t it weird how the McCain campaign simultaneously paints Obama as an effete nerd and a super-cool celebrity? (2) Noun-verb-POW!