Two notes on Kevin’s observation that right wing writers are descending into hilarious self-caricature as Obama pulls ahead in the polls.
(1) Kevin notes that the right wing blog The Corner is now posting about “Obama being a secret Maoist.” He’s not kidding. Here’s an actual quote, written with high seriousness: “[Obama] fits comfortably with Ayers, who (especially now) is more Maoist than Stalinist.” And, no, they aren’t kidding. It makes me wonder: as someone who now wants the federal government to own America’s bad mortgages, what kind of communist is John McCain?
(2) The right wing isn’t just becoming more and more divorced from reality as their electoral prospects worsen. It’s also becoming more racist and more susceptible to crazy conspiracy theories. One of them is actually claiming, sans evidence, that Bill Ayers ghost wrote Dreams of My Father.
Like I said yesterday, this is going to get hilarious before it’s over.