Recently, Harvard students protested the university’s decision to stop offering anonymous HIV testing. According to the Harvard Crimson, the students staged their demonstration with signs bearing slogans like “My right to privacy includes my right to anonymity.”
But the signs were Plan B. Plan A would have been really cool:
Protestors had originally planned to request HIV tests en masse in order to demonstrate the demand for anonymous testing. But a majority of protesters were turned away by UHS because they did not have an appointment or an actual medical ailment, according to Craig B. Colbeck, a Graduate School of Arts and Sciences student.
It’s a great idea—and we know today’s students activists have plenty more where that one came from. MoJo, Campus Progress, and WireTap would like to hear about all feats of student activism (the more creative the better) from the past school year in time for the Hellraisers, our first annual student activism awards.
Here’s how it works: You tell us about your favorite activism antics. Selected nominees will be featured in the September/October 2009 issue of Mother Jones.
Anyone can nominate any current student activists (and we’re not just talking college here! High schoolers, grad students, kindergartners—all okay).
Nominating is quick and easy. Do it here.