Photos from the event by <a href="http://www.sarahkehoephoto.com/">Sarah Kehoe</a>
When food writer (How to Cook Everything, Food Matters) and New York Times columnist Mark Bittman read our March/April “Let’s Grow America!” special report on food security, he was so jazzed by it that he got in touch to offer his services to raise money for Mother Jones. How could we say no?
That’s how a group of toque-hatted Mother Jones friends ended up at New York’s Institute for Culinary Education last week, slicing, dicing, and eating dinner built off of a low-impact but immensely tasty menu that Mark prepared especially for the evening. From the first bite of chick pea fries to the last slurp of chocolate soy pudding with vanilla cream on top, our taste buds were in food heaven. You can view the photos of the evening on Flickr or in the slideshow below (see, anyone can look goofy in a paper hat).
Mark also took a few minutes to talk about his most recent book, Food Matters, which makes the connection between a healthy diet (less meat, more plants) and a healthy planet (less carbon, more icepack).
You can check out Mark’s work here. And if you’d like to try your hand at the menu he prepared for Mother Jones, email us at bittmanrecipes@motherjones.com. We’ll send you a PDF of the recipes.
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