<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/rpmarks/6244829680/sizes/m/in/photostream/">R-P-M</a>/Flickr
In Boston over the weekend a wave of grafitti hit nearly two dozen downtown buildings, mostly banks. “End the Fed.” “Tax the Rich.” “Burn the Money.” A Bank of America branch got a big blue anarchist circle-A on the sign above its doorway. #OccupyBoston says its hands are clean—group members say they’re into carrying signs, not spray painting buildings. The mayor of Boston gave the group his continued blessing, saying, “99 percent of those folks there don’t want to cause trouble.” But if a rogue 1 percent believes that walls and shop windows should be occupied with slogans, can the movement stop them? As hundreds of #occupy gatherings wrestle with the tricky logistics of physical occupation and crowd control, graffiti artists and taggers around the world are leaving marks of protest in all sort of ways. Here’s a sampling.
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