<a href="http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/obama-ukraine-address-cold-open/2755291">NBC</a>
During the cold open for this weekend’s Saturday Night Live, actor/UNICEF ambassador/fierce Bill de Blasio critic Liam Neeson delivered a message to Russian President Vladimir Putin: “Crimea had been taken,” Neeson growled. “I hate it when things are taken.” (The “taken” line is an obvious reference to Neeson’s role in the Taken films, in which he plays a loving family man and CIA torturer who massacres ethnic stereotypes who have kidnapped his daughter and ex-wife.)
Here’s video of the sketch, where Neeson appears with Jay Pharoah, who plays President Barack Obama on SNL:
Vladimir Putin did not respond to a request for comment on what he thought of Neeson’s attempted deterrent.