Tea Party Darling Joe Walsh Says He Was Kicked Off His Own Radio Show for Using the N-Word

<a href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=533468430051953&set=pb.126241104108023.-2207520000.1403233883.&type=3&theater">Joe Walsh

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On Thursday, former Republican congressman and Tea Party darling Joe Walsh complained on Twitter about being kicked off his radio show for using the n-word and other racial slurs on air.  He tweeted, “It appears I can say [The name of Washington’s pro football team], which is supposedly offensive, but when I say other words, commercial.” He then proceeded to go on a bizarre online rant, repeating more racial slurs. 

Walsh’s radio show airs on “The Answer” in Chicago and New York, which is home to a number of conservative talk shows. According to Walsh’s Twitter account, his manager allowed him to say the name of Washington’s football team on-air, but didn’t allow him to say other offensive racial epithets. Here’s what Walsh had to say about it all:

Walsh, who once called Obama a “tyrant” for ceasing to deport certain young undocumented Americans, noted that the radio station had sent him home, and he would find out what happens next with his job tomorrow at 5 p.m. Mother Jones has reached out to Walsh and “The Answer” for comment.

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