David Becker/Reuters via ZUMA Press
The Hillary Clinton campaign has launched a new website dedicated to attacking Donald Trump on the area he claims as his greatest selling point: his business history.
The website, Art of the Steal, takes direct aim at Trump’s business misfires, using the oft-maligned Trump Steaks and the failure of his Atlantic City casinos as examples of the real estate magnate’s flawed business sense.
“Sometimes he was bad at [business] in that he made a lot of money while hurting a lot of people,” the website says. “But most of the time, he was just bad at it.”
“He’s Mitt Romney but bad at his job,” the website adds.
The website’s launch is part of a series of economically focused attacks on Trump. On Tuesday, Clinton spoke about Trump’s potential impact on the economy during an event in Ohio, calling a Trump presidency “devastating for families and bad for the economy.” Her campaign is also rolling out a new web video assailing the businessman’s record:
Trump’s gotten rich driving companies into the ground. What will he do to the U.S. economy?
Oh wait—we know:https://t.co/MOPrGekYtZ
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 21, 2016
Clinton’s offensive comes just one day after a new analysis of Trump’s economic proposals was released by Moody’s Analytics. The report found that in the absence of congressional intervention, Trump’s plans to shift away from globalization would “diminish the nation’s growth prospects,” and his economic plans would “result in larger federal government deficits and a heavier debt load” that would translate into “a weaker U.S. economy, with fewer jobs and higher unemployment.”
Clinton also gave a speech on Tuesday attacking Trump’s economic proposals and business record. “He’s written a lot of books about his business,” she said. “They all seem to end at chapter 11.”