Leave a Gift in Your Will or Other Estate Plan

Foundation for National Progress
Tax ID #94-2282759

We share a common belief: that investigative journalism has the power to foster accountability and drive positive change.

In a world where trust is in increasingly short supply, our readers trust Mother Jones to bring truth to light—no matter how long it takes.

Secure the future of independent investigative journalism by including a gift to Mother Jones in your will or living trust, or by naming Mother Jones a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance, or other financial account.

A gift in your will or other estate plan won’t cost you anything right now but will ensure that Mother Jones continues to dig deep, expose the truth, and never turn our backs on a critical story.

The need for courageous and accurate reporting isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and neither is Mother Jones. The actions we take now will shape the future for our children and their children. We believe that supporting the future of Mother Jones’ smart, fearless journalism is one of the most important gifts you can offer those who follow us.

If you’ve already included a gift in your plan, please let us know. We’ll be honored to welcome you to the Mother Jones Legacy Society. If you need more information, you can review our FAQs, download our Legacy Society fact sheet, or contact us directly:

Lisa Schachter
Advancement Officer
Mother Jones Legacy Society
(415) 321-1706

A Gift in Your Will or Living Trust

There are several ways to include a gift to Mother Jones in your will or living trust. You can:

  • leave some percentage of your estate
  • leave a defined sum of money
  • leave a percentage of what’s left over after other gifts and debts are paid and your loved ones are provided for
  • make a secondary or contingent gift that comes to Mother Jones only if your other beneficiaries do not survive you or other specific gifts cannot be fulfilled

Your attorney can help you determine the type of gift best for you, but you will need our legal designation:

Foundation for National Progress
Tax ID #94-2282759

A Gift by Beneficiary Designation

A gift by beneficiary designation is simple: Just sign your name!

You can name Mother Jones as a beneficiary of your:

  • Retirement accounts
  • Life insurance plans
  • Donor-advised funds (DAF)
  • Bank and brokerage accounts

As with gifts in your will, you can designate all or a percentage of the funds in your account, and you can name Mother Jones as a primary beneficiary or a second-in-line beneficiary. And, of course, you can change your mind at any time.

You can also make a current gift to Mother Jones from your IRA through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD); if you are over age 70.5, you can make a gift directly from your IRA and avoid paying any income tax on the distribution. If you must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), you can use some or all of it to make your gift.

Please use our legal name and Tax ID number:

Foundation for National Progress
Tax ID #94-2282759

Mother Jones Legacy Society

Frequently Asked Questions