<a href="http://www.thedailyshow.com/">The Daily Show</a>
On Thursday night’s episode of the Daily Show, Jon Stewart laid into Mitt Romney for the former Massachusetts governor’s recent comments blaming his defeat on “gifts” with which President Obama bribed his voting base.
Stewart replayed a clip of Mother Jones‘ now-famous “47 percent” video in which Romney says almost half the country sees themselves as victims entitled to government handouts, and expressed shock that Romney would reiterate those sentiments, even after having walked them back. “You can imagine my surprise when this man, so unfairly caricatured—by his own words—as an out of touch plutocrat who sees the lower classes as government leeches, yesterday blamed his campaign loss on said leeches.”
“As it turned out,” Stewart said, “much to Mitt Romney’s disappointment,” the president ended up getting votes from some non-47 percenters, too. “Barack Obama was somehow also able to pick up four more percent of real America.”