<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e-J0jJPy6E">YouTube</a>
“Terror baby” conspiracy theorist, birther conspiracy theorist, and Muslim Brotherhood inflitration conspiracy theorist Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.), who also said the Aurora shooting happened because we lost Jesus, would like America to make sure the term “lunatic” remains in federal law. He was the lone no vote yesterday on a House bill that ends the use of the outmoded and offensive term, which appears in laws that allow banks to act as a trustee of mentally disabled people’s estates.
But Gohmert’s nay vote wasn’t out of self-interest. As the Washington Post reports, it was due to his sense of civic duty: “To keep spending and not pay the price, that is immoral,” Gohmert said. “That’s why we shouldn’t eliminate the word ‘lunatic.’ It really has application around this town…We want to eliminate the word ‘lunatic’ from the federal code? That’s lunacy.”